A New Home, A New Drive
It has been some time hasn’t it?
With everything going on in the world, I decided to take some time off from content creation to focus on my family. But don’t worry, work on the Sonex continued until I was finally able to move it to it’s new home.
It’s finally back together as intended, and I’m in the middle of tying up a few loose ends before finishing a condition inspection. Then, that all important first flight.
I got all of the big jobs done in the time off, including fitting the new canopy and windscreen.
The time off also gave me the opportunity to get to know my local EAA Chapter. I had been a member of the EAA for some time, but had never attended a meeting. Chapter 855 welcomed me with open arms and it’s been an honor and privilege.
Here is a flight I got to share with Chapter President Gene in his Rans S-7:
I’m back and ready further the cause of promoting general aviation. My Sonex is almost ready to fly, which I’ll be sharing here of course. Plus, I’ll be bringing you mine and other pilots’ stories and adventures along the way.
“Clarify your purpose. What is the why behind everything you do? When we know this in life or design it is very empowering and the path is clear.”
Jack Canfield