Sonex Rehab, An Overview
When I set out to buy an airplane, I knew one thing for certain. I only wanted something ready to fly, so I could be in the air ASAP. After all. that is where pilots “long to return.” Not to mention, my wife made it clear that I didn’t have time to build a plane right now with raising our son.
What did I get instead? A project.
No big deal I thought, I’ve been bringing old cars and motorcycles back to life for years. How hard could it be? (Never mind the fact that if the airplane breaks down, you can’t just pull over and call roadside assistance…)
The airplane sat for a few years, feels like I did too. It’s like we needed each other to get back to where we belong.
Anyway, this video is an overview of what I’ll be doing to bring my dear Sonex back to life.
Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For there you have been, and there you will always long to return.
Leonardo da Vinci
Too true…