My Top 10 Pilot Christmas Gift Ideas
Looking for the perfect gift for the aviator or aviatrix in your life? We’re a rare breed and can be tough to shop for. Don’t fret, here’s my Top 10 gift ideas for this 2020 holiday season.
Let’s get this party started!
1. Heated Vest
I was never a big vest guy, honestly thought they were kinda silly. Then I started flying and it all made sense. Plenty of warmth for your core without all the extra bulk in the sleeves. The typical general aviation aircraft, like a Cessna 150, can be a pretty cramped place.
If you’ve rented aircraft for any length of time, you probably have a story about it’s maintenance or lack thereof. Considering the typical Cabin Heat system functions off of the exhaust system, the slightest crack will add CO to the cabin. This can be extremely hazardous and even deadly. For this reason, I never used Cabin Heat on a rental, just bulked up instead.

Finally, when I entered the world of Sport/ Experimental aviation, I soon learned that many didn’t have any cabin heat system at all. In comes the Personal Pilot Heater. 👇👇👇
Foxelli Heated Vest w/ Battery https://amzn.to/2KbKHF5
2. Headlamp
I love flying at night! Calm air, the lights and sights, can’t get enough. But that means the pilot needs to have some form of lights to work with for inspection of and operation of the aircraft.

My choice for this task a simple headlamp, one that has both white and red LEDs. Red light preserves you night vision, keeping the flight SAFE and enjoyable.
I’ve used multiple brands and styles over the years, but I’m currently digging the Foxelli Rechargeable USB headlamp. It has what I need and I like that I don’t have to worry about having extra batteries on hand for it. Just have to remember to keep it charged in between flights.

***Full disclosure, I received this headlamp free from Foxelli after submitting a photo and completing an Amazon review for my heated vest. However, I have owned and used both items for a year before making this recommendation.
Foxelli Rechargeable: https://amzn.to/3lZvjcf
3. GoPro Action Camera and Vlogging Mirror
It absolutely amazes me how far technology has come, and how much capability we can have for not a lot of money. One area this is true is with action cameras, particularly the GoPro line.
Flying with a GoPro provides entertaining footage for yourself, your friends and family or YouTube. On top of all that, it can be a valuable tool for training and post flight debriefing. It’s truly great to be able to watch the flight shortly after you made it, and pick out what worked and what didn’t.

At the time of this post, I personally recommend the Hero 8 paired with a Vlogging Mirror over the 9. The only real difference between the two, is that the 9 has a full color front facing screen. And it’s $100 more. And it;ll drain the battery faster. The $20 Vlogging Mirror I recommend gives the same function for less. The 7 is plenty capable and can be more budget friendly, but the 8 is currently ON SALE.
Hero 8: https://amzn.to/2VZCDdg
Hero 9: https://amzn.to/33WF58Y
Hero 7: https://amzn.to/37MPGo6
Vlogging Mirror: https://amzn.to/3ndVrRW
4. Aircraft Camera Mounts

You could choose to mount your new GoPro in the cockpit, or with the help of a dedicated mount, you can get some truly amazing footage from the outside.
I’m currently using the MyPilotPro Ram mount, but there’s many more styles out there to fit your specific application. I will personally be buying some more of these listed below to film on new and exciting aircraft.

Tie Down RAM Mount: https://amzn.to/3gwhtNt
Rock Steady Surface Mount: https://amzn.to/37RDXof
Premium Surface Mount: https://amzn.to/39VxAmz
Wing Strut Mount: https://amzn.to/2IvkaCg
5. GoPro Audio Cable:
Take your GoPro footage to the next level by recording cockpit audio too. This completes the whole experience for you and your viewers, adds context to the footage.

You can buy a pricy adapter for the GoPro on top of a dedicated cable, but I chose instead to get one with a standard 3.5mm input that I can then plug into my phone or a cheap audio recorder. Some camera brands will accept the 3.5 as well. The choice is yours, but I believe the 3.5mm option adds some redundancy and a bit of future proofing. (What?! Companies don’t randomly change their inputs! 🤣🤣🤣)
Hero 5-8 Cable w/ GoPro Adapter: https://amzn.to/3n0Fmzf
Cheaper 3.5mm Cable (What I use.): https://amzn.to/39Xj9hQ
6. iPad Mini:
I can honestly say that flying with an iPad has been an absolute game changer for the world of aviation. So much information and capability right at your fingertips in a compact package. 15lbs of paper charts reduced to almost nothing.

I’ve used multiple brands and models over the years, but my personal favorite is the iPad Mini. It’s a compact powerhouse that I fell is the perfect size for most General Aviation cockpits.
iPad Mini 5: https://amzn.to/39VZE9a
iPad Mini 4 (What I’m using.): https://amzn.to/3guxR0N
(Both of these links are for Wi-Fi models, but I recommend getting the Cellular to have internal GPS. Doesn’t matter if you also have a Stratux box.)
7. Stratux ADS-B Receiver:
Take your situational awareness to the next level with ADS-B In receiver. Most aircraft are required to have ADS-B Out now, but many don’t have the In capability. Traffic and weather data are broadcast as part of the ADS-B system, and best of all, this data is FREE. As long as you have something to receive it.

My go to is tyhe Stratux ADS-B receiver. It is an opens source project where you could purchase the components yourself or buy a completed unit off the shelf. I chose to do the latter.

I personally used one of these with Alaska’s Capstone system before the 2020 ADS-B mandate in the lower 48. What an advantage to have this extra data at your fingertips in flight.
Built w/ Battery Pack (recommended): https://amzn.to/2LgrLFL
8. Seattle Avionics FlyQ:
Once again, I’ve used a bunch of different EFB (Electronic Flight Bag) apps over the years, and I am currently settled on FlyQ by Seattle Avionics. Does the job as good or better than other apps, and a cheaper subscription to boot.

How does this fit into a gift list? Well chart data is updated on a subscription basis, and you can certainly gift a subscription renewal for the app. That’s one less thing for your favorite aviator to worry about.
Subscription page: https://seattleavionics.com/products/FlyQ_efb/page-2/
9. Pilot Shirts:
What self respecting pilot doesn’t have one (or twenty) T-shirts representing their favorite aircraft or aviation event? I know I’ve got a ton and continue to add more. My last two came from the Designed For Flight collection on Amazon and the EAA store.

Designed For Flight Store: https://amzn.to/3qOVxC7
Beaver Shirt in Video: https://amzn.to/37QeBaa
EAA Storefront: https://www.eaa.org/shop/product-category?i=920&pi=919 Sonex Shirt (ON SALE!): https://www.eaa.org/shop/product-detail?i=920&pi=919&pr=2685231
10. Streamlight Stylus Flashlight:
This one is part of my personal EDC (Every Day Carry) and has literally saved my butt a few times. I won’t leave home without it. It’s only a white light so it won’t be used during flight. But it WILL be used countless times in between.

Pro AAA Batteries: https://amzn.to/3ox6O7O
Compact for female clothing: https://amzn.to/33Xw1Rj
Rechargeable USB: https://amzn.to/39XcpQL
Bonus. Books:
Lastly, we pilots love to read about other’s adventures and learn something new doing it. Here are some of my favorites from over the years:

Yeager: https://amzn.to/370wGDt
Stick and Rudder: https://amzn.to/39WJxIo
Jonathan Livingston Seagull: https://amzn.to/3qHdUIT
CloudDancer’s Alaskan Chronicles: https://amzn.to/37IWxyM
Travels With Puff: https://amzn.to/2VYq6H2
Wind, Sand, and Stars: https://amzn.to/3gsURNT
Night Flight: https://amzn.to/3n7LIwQ
If they don’t always have the time they’d like to be able to read, or if they have a long commute, and Audible membership may be the ticket:
Audible Audible Trial, FREE for 30 Days: https://amzn.to/3qGgK0P
Audible Gift Membership: https://amzn.to/3n28GFu
I recently learned about this handy device from Joshua Ryan Blair, the Garmin inReach. Check out his video here: