Hold Fast Apparel Review

Researchers have found that the average T-shirt has the potential to be read as many as 3,000 times in its lifespan. Since 1987, Kerusso has been designing apparel that shares the Good News of Jesus Christ through what they term as T-Shirt Evangelism.
With free speech and traditional American values being assaulted from every direction, Kerusso launched the Hold Fast brand in 2019 to “Fight the good fight of faith.” (1 Tim 6:12)
My Review
I first noticed Hold Fast at a fairly local Bible bookstore called Way to Emmaus one year ago. Finally, a brand that spoke right to my heart and soul. I love my country, but I know we’re falling away from the principles that made us great. The way forward is clearly written in the Book. Will simply wearing something that says so make it’s way to at least 3,000 sets of eyes?

As a content creator, it’s difficult to work these topics into videos about aviation and mechanics. Some viewers have surmised where I stand on things and this has led to great conversations. (I mean, posting a video about flying for a Bible camp is pretty obvious…) However, I’ve recently been convicted to be more open about my faith. This is one manner which will allow the message to be presented to way more eyeball pairs, and at least for the moment, should not be suppressed by big tech. (Will I be more bold in the future?)
Well, How Is It?
At this moment, I own one hat and four shirts from Hold Fast. I can honestly say that each is well made, true to size, and appears that it will fit my current mission as a content creator. I wanted to spend some time evaluating the brand before recommending it, and I’d say it’s all passed with flying colors. So, going forward, I will be wearing Hold Fast apparel out in public and in all of my videos. Check ’em out!
“Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.“
2 Timothy 1:13