My new You Tube channel is finally launched here.

I’ve been learning a lot in the last 2 weeks since launching this blog. For starters, if I’m going to do this, it’s going to take REAL effort to do it right. There just isn’t enough time in the day to do it all, as I’m sure you know.
While my wife and child are sleeping, here I am tapping away on this keyboard. I don’t want to lose the quality time, it’s not fair to them either. Therefore, I’m willing to exchange sleep to make this vision a reality. I believe in what I am bringing to Left Seat Adventures, so excited for our future together.
The coming weeks will be bringing you video updates on the rehab project of our little Sonex as Spring is just around the corner. I’m launching the LSA Podcast to inspire you to pursue aviation. I went through most of my life deceived, thinking I could never do it, but I went after it and so will you. I’m here to help you along that journey.
Here’s to our future together!
“The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.”
J.R.R. Tolkein