Episode IV: A New Logo
I needed a new logo for my YouTube channel, but where do you go?
I spent way too much time creating my own without a very good result. Fine for the moment, but I kept my eyes and ears open for the right solution. And then Electroneum Ltd. launched AnyTask.
AnyTask is a “gig economy” platform connecting people in the developed/ banked world with developing/ unbanked regions. A Buyer purchases a task with a credit card, and upon satisfactory completion, the Seller is paid in Electroneum. The ETN can then be used to top up phone minutes, pay utility bills, or buy groceries at their local shop. No bank account required. How cool is that?!
I had never used a “gig” platform before, but it was pretty easy to figure out and I came away with a great new logo. An excellent experience overall.
See what AnyTask can do for you!
It’s been a little over 24 hours since I uploaded the video to YouTube, and the response has been amazing! Thank you to all who have watched and shared it. Filming myself at a computer is a HUGE step outside of my comfort zone. Glad to see it helping to make a difference.
I was literally speechless after seing this:
It’s an absolute honor to be featured by Dr. Chris Gorman OBE. Thank you so much Chris and the entire Electroneum team for all the hard work you do to impact and include the people of this world! AnyTask will be a huge opportunity and positively life changing for so many people.
Read more about the mission of financial inclusion here:
“We make a living from what we get but we build a life from what we give!”
Dr. Chris Gorman OBE